Bach Thao Duoc



Bach Thao Duoc is known as a clean medicinal company. For BTD, product quality is the top goal. Bach Thao Duoc has always remained loyal to the pharmaceutical line and health food products originating from natural medicinal herbs.

At Bach Thao Duoc, pharmaceuticals put into production are standardized from the soil, farming techniques, harvesting, processing technology ... are optimized. The process of creating products is strictly controlled, at the same time, in consultation with doctors and physicians with many years of experience.

In addition, Bach Thao Duoc's products are developed from traditional folk remedies, along with the application of advanced science, have created pharmaceuticals of natural origin, safety and outstanding features. excels in disease support and treatment.

Bach Thao Duoc always puts the highest enthusiasm and responsibility in each product to preserve the good image of the brand as well as the trust of customers for the products and services that the Company has researched and developed. .

Some medicinal herbs at Bach Thao Duoc

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Bach Thao Duoc - Address of cosmetic pharmaceutical processing PRESTIGE

(Bach Thao Duoc) 0888846969